Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Day Bliss

Christmas has proven to be a memorable time to say the least. We spent a little of the night in the hospital with Brant trying to get his breathing under control. It always seems to happen around this time of the year. I must say that it was a pretty difficult night trying to sleep with a 3 year old in between the two of us as he coughs and squirms like any 3 year old. I think I was able to manage about 4 hours of sleep while Michaellynn was able to catch about 3.

Christmas morning was great. As our tradition has been, with our own children, we kept all of their gifts unwrapped awaiting their arrival into the living room. I must say that even though the grandparents greatly outdid our little bit of gifts, the kids seemed very thankful. Bryce is always very thankful for everything he gets, and despite the coughing and slight fever Brant enjoyed seeing the new gifts as well. Melia loved the boxes!

We hope that this day has been great for all of you and wish you all the best in the coming new year.


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