Monday, June 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Bryan!!!!!

Today is Bryan's birthday and I wanted to let him know how much I (we) appreciate and love him! Bryan (Daddy) is so many wonderful things to us: He is a wonderful man of God, husband, daddy to three kids who thinks he is the greatest, son, friend, youth pastor and many more!


We love you soooooo much! You are the best daddy! Thank you for all you do for us. Thank you for taking care of us, playing with us, bathing us, loving our mommy and praying with us! We hope you have a great birthday and are so thankful God chose you to be our daddy!

Bryce, Brant & Melia


I hope you have a wonderful birthday today! Thank you so much for what you do for our family! I LOVE YOU more than words can express and I am so thankful God gave me the wonderful man He did!

Always & Forever Yours,


Anonymous said...

Hope you have a GREAT b-day!! We love you!

Robert and Seder

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to the best Little Brother in the world. You are all that Michaellynn said about you. You are a really great brother to me, brother-in-law to Ralph and uncle to Cooper. We love you very much and wish you many more Birthdays. Old Man.

Love you,