Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Bowling Fun!

Well, the snow didn't happen the way we thought it would. We thought we would not be going anywhere over the weekend, so we invited Grandaddy and Grandmama to come stay with us. They did, but we were in no way "snowed in". We still had a great weekend though! We enjoyed ALOT of food and playing games together. Uncle Robert and Aunt Seder came over on Sunday to play games with us. On Monday, we decided to get out of the house and go bowling. It was a lot of fun! Here are some pictures:

Grandaddy & Grandmama with the kids!

Melia thinking she is big enough to bowl!

Daddy & Melia giving a BIG CHEESE!

Look at that form!

Bryce and Brant posing for another picture.

Bryce actually turned his head to smile while he was in the middle of letting go! He is such a ham!

Brant is really concentrating hard on getting all those pins down!

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