Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Bryce's Award

Bryce did get his Upward uniform last night, but we did not get a picture! He has his first game next Saturday, so we will have to get a picture then. He did however, receive his "Wearing Christ's Armor" award during his chapel time today. Bryan, Melia and I went to his chapel to surprise him! He was excited and so was Melia! She yelled his name as loud as she could when she saw him. Here is a picture of him after receiving his award:

Here is what his teacher wrote about him:

"Bryce gives us a bright smile everyday. His patient attitude and kind words toward others wins him lots of friends. He knows how to keep his Sword of the Spirit shining brightly. Thank you Bryce for being our friend."

I know that I am biased, but what a great kid!!!

Brant learned a new Bible verse yesterday at his pre-school and thought that he was just as big as Bryce for doing so!! I think he said it to Bryan about 10 times!

We did receive some sad news today. Our former pastor's wife passed away this morning. She has been sick and was ready to go "home", but our hearts still ache for the family and for ourselves. She will be greatly missed. They were the only pastors that I had until we moved here to Clayton. What a great example they were to us in their faithfulness and committment to God, one another and the church.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great job Bryce!!

We love you,

Uncle Robert & Aunt Seder