Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Our Weekend - Crazy Tuesday!

Okay, so today's post is going to be really long!!! We had a really good weekend, but very busy! Bryce had his second Upward game on Saturday and his team did really well. He made two shots and played really well on defense. He received a gray star which is for good defense. After the game he was able to go off with his friend Josh and have some fun for the afternoon! The rest of us went to Uncle Ralph and Aunt Bebbie's house and played cards and cooked out! It was a lot of fun as always when we are with our family!

Sunday was an extremely busy day. We had a regular church morning but in the afternoon we had to get ready for a soup and sandwich dinner for that night. I came home and spent the afternoon cooking pies and chicken and rice soup. The dinner was a lot of fun and it was also a fundraiser for one of our teens that is going to Japan this summer on a missions trip. We were able to raise quite a bit of money for him which was very exciting!

Monday was a typical day with bank, post office and grocery store visits. We started a new Women's Bible Study at church last night as well. We are doing Beth Moore's Stepping Up. It is a seven week study and looks like it is going to be very good!

On to crazy Tuesday! I had to go and help with crafts this morning in Bryce's class. I took Melia with me while Brant went to MMO. She normally does really well and will play in her stroller, eat crackers and walk around watching us help the kids with their crafts. Well, things were going as normal until I looked up to check on her and she was gone. At first I didn't panic and just looked around for her. She was no where to be seen. She wasn't in any other moms laps (there were quite a few classes doing crafts in the cafeteria), she wasn't in the bathrooms, kitchen or the Kindergarten classroom. At this point I started to get a little concerned and asked some of the other moms and teachers to help me look. One of the teacher assistant's asked me if I thought she could have gone upstairs. I said no, because I didn't think she was brave enough to go up them, plus I had already looked up the first flight and didn't see her. Well, the assistant said that she would go up and check anyway while we still looked downstairs. A few minutes later she came up to me and said that she found Melia in Bryce's classroom. SHE WENT UP TWO FLIGHTS OF STAIRS AND DOWN THE HALL TO BRYCE'S ROOM ALL BY HERSELF! I am soooooo glad she wasn't hurt. She is way to brave already. I wasn't sure whether to be mad at her or excited at what a smart child she is. She did scare me to death (but how do you tell a 16 month old that and expect them to understand?) but she was also really smart to know exactly how to get to Bryce's classroom all by herself! I do believe that even after two brothers that she is going to be quite the adventure to raise!! We may need extra prayer!!!!! Well she is climbing again (this time we are at home and it is only a chair) so I better go! Here are some pictures from the weekend. Enjoy!

Here is Melia with her new boots on that Mema bought. She LOVED them!

Here is Bryce just as his game is about to start!

Here is Cooper and Aunt Michaellynn at the beginning of Bryce's game! (He loves me sooooo much!)

Bryce with Coach Raymie helping him.

Mema, Brant and Melia munching on M & M's!

Cooper is really enjoying the game!!

Brant and his buddy Carter

Cooper can't figure out what his silly cousins are doing in his toy box!

Grandaddy after a long day at Upward!

Is he not the cutest!?!


Across the Miles Photography said...

Your family is sooo cute! I've had so much fun seeing new pics of your sweet kids! I hope you guys are all doing well!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you sent me this blog. I try to look at it every now and then to catch up with your family. Your children are beautiful...and so is Cooper. I cannot believe how big he is getting. Say "hello" to everyone for us.
Love you,